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cannot include external jar in my executable jar

I am trying to convert my java application to an executable jar.

I have been able to package it into a jar with all my class files, but still am not able to include the jmf.jar file.

This is my directory structure,

Main dir

src/                  //A dir

Content of my Manifest.txt file,

Manifest-Version: 1.0 
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0  
Main-Class: src/a
Class-Path: .;jmf.jar //also tried ./jmf.jar

By double clicking the .jar file, I am able to run the main function, but the second function uses the jmf.jar throws exception when I tried running the jar file in debug mode, that javax.media not found. This class is in the jmf.jar file, which makes me conclude the jmf.jar file is not being included in the class path or so. So what am I doing wrong? How do I make this executable file?

The command I used to convert it to jar was,

jar cvfm myJar.jar Manifest.txt src\*.class jmf.jar



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