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Display only 8 lines of text in a container

I have this unique situation in front of me where i want create a function to show only 8 lines of text whatsoever. The website is responsive. Here is what i have tried:

var fontSize = $target.css("font-size").match(/\d/g).join(""),
lineWidth = $target.width(),
totalLetters = $target.text().length,
lettersPerLine = (totalLetters * fontSize) / lineWidth,
numOfLines = Math.round(totalLetters/lettersPerLine);

The Problem:

  1. The font i am using is not monospaced which means that not all the letters are of equal width.
  2. I dont want to pass WordsPerLine as a parameter to the function i will write, i want it to calculate this
  3. I am not sure/cannot find out what the browser does to wrap text to new lines. For example, if the <p> width is 600px then it is obvious that 900 words wont fit in one line.. the browser will wrap the text to new lines.. but what does the browser do to achieve this, does it insert a new line character \\n ?
  4. The above piece of code does not work for me and i don't no why...if you have a clue (which i am sure you smart people definitely know what i am doing wrong), please shed some light. All suggestions are deeply appreciated.

After wanting to know this a few times, a soultion I came up with is pre-calculating the height and width the characters by having them rendered, cache this and produce a lookup function.

The following works as long as body > span will be rendered. The parameters are optional, defaulting to the style of body > span and the first 255 chars of the font.

function charSizes(numChars, cssFont) {
    var span = document.createElement('span'),
        text = document.createTextNode(''),
        uia, i, j;
    if (cssFont) span.style.font = cssFont;
    span.style.padding = span.style.margin = 'none';
    numChars = (numChars || 255);
    uia = new Uint32Array(numChars * 2);
    for (j = i = 0; i < numChars; j = 2 * ++i) {
        text.data = String.fromCharCode(i);
        uia[j] = span.offsetWidth;
        uia[j + 1] = span.offsetHeight;
    // free memory
    span = text = numChars = cssFont = null;
    // output lookup function
    return function (c) {
        var i = c.charCodeAt(0) * 2;
        return {
            width: uia[i],
            height: uia[i + 1]

var arial12 = charSizes(0xFF, '12px Arial');

Now you can look up characters easily

arial12('a'); // {width: 7, height: 15}
arial12('-'); // {width: 5, height: 15}

The easy css solution would be to set the container's height to 8em and set overflow to hidden .

In practice I have found this to be inaccurate. Here is a jQuery solution (assume I have a div with the id of bozo ):


function getFontHeight(className) {
    $testdiv = $('<div stlye="white-space:nowrap;">jgpqAZ</div>');
    if (className) $testdiv.addClass(className);
    var height = $testdiv.innerHeight();
    return height;

$('#bozo').height(getFontHeight() * 8);


#bozo {
    overflow: hidden;


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