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Display a few lines of a text in MVC

I'm using MVC3 and wanna to display 3 lines of a Post in Blogging system and then add a link to go the rest of the post , you can see sample in most of blogs like this

this is my View :

@model IEnumerable<Blog.Web.UI.ViewModels.PostViewModel>
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";


    @foreach (var item in Model)
                @Html.ActionLink(item.Title, "Post", "Blog", new { postId = item.Id, postSlug = item.UrlSlug }, null)
            <span>Category: </span>@item.Category
            <span>Tag: </span>@item.Tag

            @Html.DisplayTextFor(p => item.Body)

as it is shown

   @Html.DisplayTextFor(p => item.Body)

shows whole of the post , but I wanna to do like the link I referenced , I think it is possible via javascript but I don't know How !

It looks like the example you provides trims off any extra text longer than a given length. You could do the same by modifying your ViewModel like so:

class PostViewModel 
    public string Body {get;set;}
    public string ShortBody 
            return Body.Length <= 140
                ? Body
                : Body.Substring(0, 140) + "...";

Then change your DisplayTextFor line to this:

@Html.DisplayTextFor(p => item.ShortBody)

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