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ng-repeat unknown number of nested elements

I'm wondering if there is a simple solution to this type of problem.

I have an object comment, which can in turn contain comments, and those comments can also contain comments ...and this can go on for a unknown number of cycles.

Here is an example of the data structure:

var comment = {
   text : "",
   comments: [
      { text: "", comments : []},
      { text: "", comments: [
         { text: "", comments : []},
         { text: "", comments : []}
         { text: "", comments : []}

Lets say for 2 levels of comments I would write:

<div ng-repeat="comment in comments">
   <div ng-repeat="comment in comments">

How would I implent my divs for "n" level of nested comments ?

The easiest way is to create a generic partial so you can recursively call and render it using ng-include .

<div ng-include="'partialComment.html'" ng-model="comments"></div>

Here is the partial:

    <li ng-repeat="c in comments">
      <div ng-switch on="c.comments.length > 0">
        <div ng-switch-when="true">
          <div ng-init="comments = c.comments;" ng-include="'partialComment.html'"></div>  

The data model should be a list var comments = [{ ... }] .

I created a demo for you and hope it helps.


You need a recursive directive. Something like this , or probably better this .

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