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Implicit/Explicit casting operator from/to generic type

I'm trying to cast a generic type to a fixed one.
The following is what I expect to work, but there is a fundamental flaw in it.

public class Wrapper<T>
    public T Value;

    static public implicit operator TypeWithInt(Wrapper<int> wrapper)
        return new TypeWithInt(wrapper.Value);

    static public implicit operator TypeWithFloat(Wrapper<float> wrapper)
        return new TypeWithFloat(wrapper.Value);

    static public implicit operator TypeWithDouble(Wrapper<double> wrapper)
        return new TypeWithDouble(wrapper.Value);

The above code doesn't compile with the following error:

User-defined conversion must convert to or from the enclosing type

As Wrapper<int> is different from Wrapper<T> it'll never work, because Wrapper<int> isn't the enclosing type.

So my question is: How can I make this casting work? Is there a way?

Your object model is a bit nonsensical because the .NET type system only considers at most 2 types at a time:

/* type 1 (int) */ int a = "abc" /* type 2 (string) */;

Yet you're trying to force another type in the middle which doesn't mesh. This isn't a limitation of the type conversion process, but instead, a limitation of the language. Every assignment (the phase at which implicit type conversions are enforced) can have at most 2 active parties, the left ( int in the example above) and the right ( string in the example above). Cascading implicit casts are not supported and would likely be really hard to code for.

The only possible solution I see to your problem would be to make this transition more visible to your user and add ToInt , ToFloat methods on Wrapper<T> to allow it to do its job.

Another point of interest might be the performance impact for doing this... the net result of your proposed wrapper is a boxing operation which may lead to unfortunate performance if you're working with a fair load. The alternative would be to rearchitect your application to be less type specific. Doing so would likely also eliminate the issue you're currently facing.


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