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Symfony 2 logs me out between prod and dev environnements

I'm having a stange issue with a symfony app I upgraded from 2.0 to 2.3.

I also upgraded fosuserbundle to match my sf2 version.

Before that upgrade, i could log in in dev environnement for example, and if I decided to switch to the prod front controller, I was still logged in.

Since I upgraded, when I switch from dev to prod I'm not authenticated on both environnements.

I can't even log in manually on both, because when I log in on prod it logs me out from dev and in the other way around.

Is it a normal behavior which was added in symfony or fosuserbundle and is there a way to disable that behavior ? If not, has someone encountered the same problem ?

Thank you for reading and spending some time on this !

It sounds quite strange that in symfony 2.0 the sessions were shared across those two environments. This sounds like a security issue to me. Also I do have a symfony 2.0 installation where the sessions are not shared across different environments.

Sessions are stored/cached in


where you can easily see that they do not belong to each other.

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