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Add docx file in resources and create executable jar

I want to add

  • docx files in resources folder, use those files in code written in class located at another package of same application.
  • And then I want to make an executable jar out of it which will be working on windows.

I read its not easy to make such jar :( and there is no fool prroof way...

I have tried searching for it on net and found I will have to create URL and then file and then use it... however, when I use below code, I am not able to get URL itself...

URL urlOfDraftInSamePackage = CreateDraft.class.getResource("Draft_in_same_package.docx");
        System.out.println("urlOfDraftInSamePackage is "+urlOfDraftInSamePackage.toString());

//This prints : urlOfDraftInSamePackage is file:/D:/aditya_workspace/SampleDraftMaker/bin/draftProcessing/Draft_in_same_package.docx

URL urlOfDraftInResourceFolder = CreateDraft.class.getResource("resouces/Draft_Apartment.docx");
        System.out.println("urlOfDraftInResourceFolder is "+urlOfDraftInResourceFolder.toString());
        //this gives null pointer exception
        URI uri = null;
        try {
            uri = urlOfDraftInSamePackage.toURI();
            File file = new File(uri);
            System.out.println("file made");
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

below is my folder structure:


can anyone pls help me in creating such executable jar using eclipse?

Thanks In Advance!!!


Following code works for me:

public static void testResource() throws IOException {
    InputStream stream = Deserializace.class.getResourceAsStream("resources/ser.log");
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
    String s;
    while ( (s = reader.readLine()) != null) {

Build directory structure:


You must ensure that your resource directory is copied to correct place.

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