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pass parameter from bash to mysql script

I'm trying to pass parameter from bash script to mysql script. The bash script is

for file in `ls *.symbol`
mysql -u qz -h compute-0-10 -pabc -e "set @pred = '$path'; source $script;" 

The load_eval.sql is

use biogrid;
load data local infile @pred into table lasp
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
(score, symbols);

When running the bash script, I got error the message:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL      server version for the right syntax to use near '@pred into table lasp ..

It seems the value of the parameter @pred is not passed into mysql script.

MySQL doesn't support session variables in a LOAD DATA INFILE statement like that. This has been recognized as a feature request for quite some time ( http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=39115 ), but the feature has never been implemented.

I would recommend using mysqlimport instead of doing the complex steps with mysql that you're doing. The file's name must match the table's name, but you can trick this with a symbolic link:

for file in *.symbol
  ln -s -f "$path" /tmp/lasp.txt
  mysqlimport -u qz -h compute-0-10 -pabc \
    --local --columns "score,symbols" /tmp/lasp.txt 
rm -f /tmp/lasp.txt

PS: No need use `ls`. As you can see above, filename expansion works fine.

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