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Pass parameter to MySQL script command line

Is there any option to pass a parameter from the command line to MySQL script?

Something like @start_date in this example:

mysql –uuser_id -ppassword –h mysql-host -A -e 
"set @start_date=${start_date}; source ${sql_script};" >${data_file};

Found an answer on the net here .

Basically, suppose that we want to run this query:

Select c_id, c_first_name,c_last_name, c_address,last_modified_date
from customer
where last_modified_date >=@start_date and last_modified_date <= @end_date;

We can pass 'start_date' and 'end_date' like this:

/usr/bin/mysql –uuser_id -ppassword –h mysql-host -A \
    -e "set @start_date=${start_date}; set @end_date=${end_date};\
        source ${sql_script};" > ${data_file}

The Short answer:

bash :

        mysql -u"$mysql_user" -p"$mysql_user_pw" \
        -e "set @mysql_db='$mysql_db';source \
        00.create-mysql-starter-db.mysql ;" > "$tmp_log_file" 2>&1


     SET @query = CONCAT('CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `'
     , @mysql_db , '` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */') ; 
     -- SELECT 'RUNNING THE FOLLOWING query : ' , @query ; 
      PREPARE stmt FROM @query;
      EXECUTE stmt;

The Long answer : The whole concept as a runnable bash , mysql app :



    git clone git@github.com:YordanGeorgiev/mysql-starter.git

The "-e" option is sensible to the used quotes, try the double quote:

mysql –uuser_id -ppassword –h mysql-host -A -e 
"set @start_date=\"$start_date\"; source \"$sql_script\";" >\"$data_file\";"

You may be able to avoid bash code in some cases by composing scripts together to run SQL code with different predefined arguments.

For example:


USE mydb-prod;
SET @arg=5;
SOURCE do-something.sql;

do-something-test.sql :

USE mydb-test;
SET @arg=10;
SOURCE do-something.sql;

do-something.sql :

UPDATE table SET col = (SELECT @arg);

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