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Javascript functions not working when called

I defined 2 javascript functions in a php file

<script type="javascript">
function inviaRichiesta(){
    //some data elaborations
    location.href = '../index.php'; //page redirect       

function caricaDati(){
    var ele = document.getElementById("int").options[document.getElementById("int").selectedIndex].text;
    document.getElementById("tip").value = <?php echo $_SESSION['caricato']['tipologia']; ?>

but none of them seems to work when i change the value inside the select menu

  <select name="intervento" onchange="inviaRichiesta()" id="int">

what i need is to redirect the browser to a page when a choise in the select menu is made. any clue?

Console output:

> [12:09:07.771] ReferenceError: inviaRichiesta is not defined @
> http://localhost/tirocinio/view/inserimento_dati_intervento.php:1


For redirecting to some other page you should not use location.href you should use "window.location". Just replace and try.

You can try this as well,


location.href - The href property returns the entire URL of the current page.

window.location - The window.location object can be used to get the current page address (URL) and to redirect the browser to a new page.

Reference: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_loc_href.asp



on change page is redirected to URL


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