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Computed observable function in knockout

I have a problem with my knockout implementation. I am new to knockout so would appreciate the help.

I have the following code:

    function updateViewModel() {
        if (typeof groupId == 'undefined') {
            groupId = getDefaultGroupId();

        $.getJSON("api/livestatusgroup/children/" + groupId)
            .done(function (data) {
                ko.mapping.fromJS(data, liveStatusViewModel.groups);

        $.getJSON("api/livestatusgroup/resources/" + groupId)
            .done(function(data) {
                ko.mapping.fromJS(data, liveStatusViewModel.resources);

        this.resourceImagePath = ko.computed(function () {
            return "../Image/" + this.ResID;
        }, this);

    function ViewModel() {
        var self = this;
        self.resources = ko.mapping.fromJS([]);
        self.groups = ko.mapping.fromJS([]);

    var vm = new ViewModel();

Unfortunately, the computed observable function resourceImagePath is not correctly capturing the ResID for my resource, so I end up with urls like /Image/undefined.

What am I missing? I have checked and the ResID field definitely exists in the view model.


When you implement a ko.computed observable, it only creates a dependency for observables that are referenced within the computed function. Remember that observables must be referenced by executing them, because they are functions - it's this action that allows the computed function to detect and track a dependency.

Otherwise, the computed function will only be able to use the value that is available at the time the computed function is first executed.

This code references this.ResID , but doesn't have any dependency on it due to not treating ResID as an observable.

 this.resourceImagePath = ko.computed(function () {
        return "../Image/" + this.ResID;
    }, this);

Try ensuring that this.ResID is, in fact, an observable, and add parentheses like this:

 this.resourceImagePath = ko.computed(function () {
        return "../Image/" + this.ResID();
    }, this);

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