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MySQL Return all unique values in a column along with the last date associated with each

I have a table relative from which I am trying to pull all the unique ID s as well as the first and last date associated with each one. So far, I have the query below, which returns each unique ID along with the first date in the table associated with each ID . How could I modify this query (or run a second one) that would return each unique ID along with the last date in the table associated with that ID ?

SELECT  `ID`, `Date` FROM `relative`.`datatable` GROUP BY `ID`

This is a basic aggregation query:

SELECT  `ID`, min(`Date`), max(`date`)
FROM `relative`.`datatable`

And, as @rogoas points out, your query is not guaranteed to return the minimum date. It will return an arbitrary date for each id.

You can try this with min(date) and max(date) :-

SELECT  `ID`, min(`Date`), max(`date`) FROM `relative`.`datatable`

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