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PHP mysql_num_rows die error

I want to create one page, where users add their informations.. I allready have that page created, but my real problem its down code..

I have some kind of problem, with that part of code:

//Connect to DB
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","USER","PASS") or die("Database Error");

//Get ID from request
$idstire = isset($_GET['idstire']) ? (int)$_GET['idstire'] : 0;

//Check id is valid
if($idstire > 0)
//Query the DB
$resource = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stiri2 WHERE idstire = " . $idstire);
if($resource === false)
    die("Eroare la conectarea cu baza de date");

if(mysql_num_rows($resource) == 0)
    die("Se pare ca stirea nu mai exista, sau a fost stearsa. <a     href='http://www.wanted-web.ro'>ACASA</a>");

$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($resource);

echo "
<div class='main-article-content'>
<h2 class='article-title'>asd</h2>

<div class='article-photo'>
<img src='" . $user['poza'] . "' class='setborder' alt='' />

<div class='article-controls'>

<div class='date'>
<div class='calendar-date'>" . $user['data'] . "</div>


<div class='right-side'>
<div class='colored'>
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<div class='clear-float'></div>


<div class='shortcode-content'>
<p>" . $user['nume'] . " , " . $user['prenume'] . " , " . $user['varsta'] . " , " . $user['localitatea'] . "</p>


$query = "UPDATE stiri2 SET accesari = accesari + 1 WHERE idstire=\"" . $idstire . "\"";
$result = mysql_query($query) OR die(mysql_error());

It's show me error from here:

if(mysql_num_rows($resource) == 0)
    die("Se pare ca stirea nu mai exista, sau a fost stearsa. <a     href='http://www.wanted-web.ro'>ACASA</a>");

I really dont understand why!?

Can someone explain me? Thank you!

Well the problem is, that your SQL Statement does not have any results.

Please check if your database contains some rows for this idstire .

mysql_query should have the second parameter as the connection which is in your case $db

$resource = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stiri2 WHERE idstire = " . $idstire,$db);

if this also not works then use mysql_error to know the exact error



this will show you if there is problwm in mysql_num_rows

If $_GET['idstire'] is not set, you are setting $idstire to 0. Is there any entry in the table for idstire=0?

You can print your php query with $idstire replaced with its value. Take that query and execute in phpmyadmin to see the error. Also verify that row exists for the value of $idstire being used in the query.

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