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Akka - State management in routers

Supposing I write an akka actor as

class SomeActor extends Actor {
  val state =  mutable.Map[String, Long]()

  def receive = { // Do some processing on the state

  override def postStop () { 

Now for load balancing if I use a Round-Robin router


How does akka manage state in such a scenario? Does akka guarantee safety in situations like these?

I would love a detailed explanation on this

Firstly, it has nothing to do with router . Router only distributes the message to each individual actor and each actor of 10 has its only mutable map. Think of it as actor-confinement.

Assuming multiple messages are send to an actor. Then the answer depends on your implementation - In short: the code in your receive . In Akka, at a time only one actor can process receive . So even through an actor has 10 messages waiting to be run, each message is taken one at a time and receive is executed. So in a loop it happens for remaining 9 messages.

So say if your receive implementation is purely synchronous. Then the operation is atomic (along with memory-visibility, akka guarantees this) and hence state is thread-safe.

But say if it is asynchronous ie with future or (actor ? msg) with pipeTo or something , or a thread executing something which later adds to state . In such cases you need to synchronize state (IMO, the whole motto of using akka is lost). This is because multiple threads might be accessing state .

End answer, it depends on your implementation of receive

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