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Working with NSDateFormatter

Currently, I am attempting to format an NSDate string.

2013-08-25 22:54:00.500 MYSCHEDULER[23153:c07] 9:00 PM
2013-08-25 22:54:00.501 MYSCHEDULER[23153:c07] 2013-08-10 04:00:00 +0000

Here's the code I use:

- (NSString *)monthFormatter:(NSDate *)date
    static NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = nil;

    if (nil == dateFormat) {
        dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"h:mm a"];

    return [dateFormat stringFromDate:date];

What I would like to do is create a date formatter that takes out appending 0s.

So I have a time like 9:00 PM and I would like to convert the time to 9 PM . Is there a way this can be accomplished with a NSDateFormatter ?

I attempted to do this : [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"h:ma"]; but it just made the date show up like so : 9:0 PM

Anyone have any ideas?


Also, I understand I could write:

[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"h a"];

and that would satify this case but for the case of maybe 9:30 PM , what would need to be done? Maybe a checker within the dateformatter method? But I figure Apple has already implemented this case.


[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy HH"];

if you want 9 PM as your answer give a below code try it works fine as per your need

NSString *time = [self monthFormatter:[NSDate date]];
NSArray *timeAMPM = [time componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSArray *hour = [time componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];

NSLog(@"the time :%@ %@",[hour objectAtIndex:0],[timeAMPM objectAtIndex:1]);

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