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Removing old folders in bash backup script

I have a bash script that rsyncs files onto my NAS to the directory below:

mkdir /backup/folder_`date +%F`

How would I go about writing a cleanup script that removes directories older than 7 days old based upon the date in directories name?



shopt -s extglob

OLD=$(exec date -d "now - 7 days" '+%s')

cd /backup || exit 1 ## If necessary.

while read DIR; do
    if read DATE < <(exec date -d "${DIR#*folder_}" '+%s') && [[ $DATE == +([[:digit:]]) && DATE -lt OLD ]]; then
        echo "Removing $DIR."  ## Just an example message. Or we could just exclude this and add -v option to rm.
        rm -ir "$DIR"  ## Change to -fr to skip confirmation.
done < <(exec find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'folder_*')

exit 0

We could actually use more careful approaches like -rd $'\\0' , -print0 and IFS= but I don't think they are really necessary this time.


find /backup -name 'folder_*' -type d -ctime 7 -exec rm -rf {} \\;

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