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Shift data of one li & ul tag from one div class tag to another div id tag without any li & ul tags just only data

This is my code below:

<div id="title">

<div class="data">
            <li id="cp_name" class=""><span>Name:</span> XXXX</li>
            <li id="cp_dept" class=""><span>Dept:</span> Editing</li>
            <li id="cp_role" class=""><span>Role:</span> YYYY</li>

Original Output


  • Name: XXXX
  • Dept: Editing
  • Role: YYYY

Expected Output & Code


Dept: Editing

  • Name: XXXX
  • Role: YYYY

     <div id="title"> <span><b>Title</b></span> <div id="cp_dept"> <span>Dept:</span> Editing </div> </div> <div class="data"> <ul> <li id="cp_name" class=""><span>Name:</span> XXXX</li> <li id="cp_role" class=""><span>Role:</span> YYYY</li> </ul> </div> 

I want to extract or just remove li & ul tags of "cp_dept" ie Dept: Editing data from div class="data" & wan't to shift data into div id="title" tag without li & ul tags ie just only data as shown in Expected Output & Code that too with immediate effect on page loading.


Try this code..

var li=$('.data>ul>li').eq(1).remove();
var id=li.attr('id');
var html=li.html();
var div1=$('<div></div>').attr('id',id).append(html);
var dept = $(".data ul li#cp_dept").html(); dept = "<div id='cp_dept'>" + dept + "</div>"; $("#title").append(dept); $(".data ul li#cp_dept").remove();

Use insertAfter jQuery function : (remove and append)

$(function() {
    $('#cp_dept').insertAfter('#title span');


$('#cp_dept').detach().wrapInner('<div />').contents().unwrap().appendTo('#title');

Demo: Fiddle

Check out this javascript only answer


(function() {
     var dpt = document.getElementById('cp_dept');
     var tit = document.getElementById('title');
     tit.innerHTML = tit.innerHTML +"<br>"+dpt.textContent;

Working Fiddle

Just added or edited a line in the Javascript. Instead of removing or editing cp_dept, I assign the CSS to display:none . It does the same function but this way I'm not erasing the contents of the cp_dept tag and hence the HTML markup remains intact.

(function() {
     var dpt = document.getElementById('cp_dept');
    // dpt.outerHTML=""
     var tit = document.getElementById('title');
     tit.innerHTML = tit.innerHTML +"<br>"+dpt.textContent;

Try this

var htm = $("#cp_dept").text();
$("#data ul #cp_dept").remove();
$("#title").append('<div id="cp_dept">'+htm+'</div>');

Here is the code

$(document).ready(function() {
    var getli = $('.data #cp_dept');
    $('.data #cp_dept').remove();    
    $creDiv = $('<div />').attr('id',getli.attr('id'))


But you may be looking for more, please comment on it

You can create a new element to append the "cp_dept" target, then add the new element to "#title".

var title = document.getElementById('title');
var dept = document.getElementById('cp_dept');

var newDept = document.createElement('div');
newDept.innerHTML = dept.innerHTML;

// remove the old cp_dept


var div = $("<div id='"+$(this).attr("id")+"'/>");





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