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Gitlab with non-standard SSH port (on VM with Iptable forwarding)

My gitlab is on a virtual machine on a host server. I reach the VM with a non-standard SSH port (ie 766 ) which an iptable rule then forward from host:766 to vm:22 .

So when I create a new repo, the instruction to add a remote provide a mal-formed URL (as it doesn't use the 766 port. For instance, the web interface give me this:


git remote add origin git@git.domain.com:group/project.git

Instead of an URL containing :766/ before the group.


git remote add origin git@git.domain.com:766/group/project.git

So it time I create a repo, I have to do the modification manually, same for my collaborator. How can I fix that?

In Omnibus-packaged versions you can modify that property in the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file:

gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 766

Then, you'll need to reconfigure GitLab:

# gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Your URIs will then be correctly displayed as ssh://git@git.domain.com:766/group/project.git in the web interface.

if you configure the ssh_port correctly in config/gitlab.yml, the webpages will show the correct repo url.

## GitLab Shell settings
  # If you use non-standard ssh port you need to specify it
  ssh_port: 766

ps. the correct url is: ssh://git@git.domain.com:766/group/project.git

edit: after the change you need to clear caches, etc:

bundle exec rake cache:clear assets:clean assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

NB: this was tested on an old Giltab version ( v5 - v6 ) , and might not be suitable for modern instance.

You can achieve similar behavior in a 2 step process:

1. Edit: config/gitlab.yml

On the server, set the port to the one you use:

ssh_port: 766

2. Edit ~/.ssh/config

On your machine, add the following section corresponding to your gitlab:

Host sub.domain.com
        Port 766


You will need to repeat this operation on each user's computer…


Easy way to fix this issue:

git clone -v ssh://git@my-server:4837/~/test.git

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