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Push to array with index method (JavaScript)

I am having difficulty pushing objects to an array of arrays via indices. Find below my current (awfully duplicative code) which reads through a CSV file's lines (Format: Date, reasonCode), and then creates FROM and TO (date) pairs depending on the reasonCode. This array is then used for Highcharts (Gantt chart). Please note the fromto1 and fromto2 arrays.

csv = csv.split(/\n/g);
var fromto1 = [];                   //array of FROM and TO pairs of code 1
    fromto2 = [];                   //array of FROM and TO pairs of code 2
    count = [];
    lastFrom = [];

for (var i=1;i<3;i++) {                 //set all count and lastFrom variables to 0     //bs
    count[i] = 0;
    lastFrom[i] = 0;

jQuery.each(csv, function(i, line) {

    line = line.split(',');                 //splits line, returns array of splitted values
    date = parseInt(line[0], 10)*1000;      //read date from line into string
    reasonC = parseInt(line[2], 10);        //read reasonC from line into string

if (reasonC == "1") {
    if (count[1] % 2 !=0){          //if it is an uneven value (FROM values)  
        lastFrom[1] = date;         //temporary save the date in lastFrom[]
    else {                          //if it is an even value (TO value), push the pair
            from: lastFrom[1],
            to: date

if (reasonC == "2") {
    if (count[2] % 2 !=0){          
        lastFrom[2] = date;         
    else {                          
            from: lastFrom[2],
            to: date

Why can't I replace the above code with this (Please note the fromto array of arrays):

csv = csv.split(/\n/g);
var fromto = [];                    
    count = [];
    lastFrom = [];

for (var i=1;i<3;i++) {                 //set all count and lastFrom variables to 0     
    count[i] = 0;
    lastFrom[i] = 0;
    fromto.push(new Array());
    console.log(i+': New Array Pushed');

jQuery.each(csv, function(i, line) {

    line = line.split(',');                 //splits line, returns array of splitted values
    date = parseInt(line[0], 10)*1000;      //read date from line into string
    reasonC = parseInt(line[2], 10);        //read reasonC from line into string

    for (var c=1;c<3;c++) {
        if (reasonC == c.toString()) {
            if (count[c] % 2 !=0){          //if it is an uneven value (FROM values)  
                lastFrom[c] = date;         //temporary save the date in lastFrom[]
            else {                          //if it is an even value (TO value), push the pair
                    from: lastFrom[c],
                    to: date

I believe the problem is with fromto[c].push({ as it stays blank arrays. I'm still a Jsnoob and couldn't find any answers on other threads, your help would be highly appreciated

There's quite a few things in your JavaScript that can do with some tips on how to do what you want to do using best practices, so an answer + advice.

1) multiple variables in a single declaration are separated by commas, not semi-colos:

var csv = csv.split(/\n/g),
    fromto = [],
    count = [],
    lastFrom = [];

2) Don't use the Array object for making arrays.


3) JS has function scoping only if you use var . Without var , variables are global.

jQuery.each(csv, function(i, line) {
  line = line.split(',');
  var date = parseInt(line[0], 10)*1000,
      reasonC = parseInt(line[2], 10);

4) == is a coercing equality, and will see if there is any way two values can be considered the same. 4 == "4" is true, 4 === "4" is not.

if (reasonC == c) { ...


if (reasonC === c.toString()) { ...

5) JavaScript has forEach baked in, why would you use jQuery for something that's part of JavaScript already?

csv.forEach(function(line) {

And then the answer to your question, of course. It looks like you're trying to turn this data:


into this structure:

  { from: 123, to: 456 },
  { from: ..., to: ...},

You're relying on the line order to tell you which date is a from and which is a to; that's bound to go wrong, but you know your data best. (If I were writing this, I would operate on the assumption that line ordering is unknown)

var cvs = data.split(",");
    parity = 0,
    odd = [],
    even = [],
    fromTo = [];

cvs.forEach(function(line) {
  parity = (parity + 1) % 2;
  fields = line.split(",");
  bin = parseInt(fields[2],10);
  if(parity===1) {
    odd[bin] = fields;
  } else {
    even[bin] = fields;
      from: odd[bin][0],
      to: even[bin][0]

Now, this should work but this code is also really scary, because it still relies on line ordering in the CVS file, and without a hard guarantee that this is the case (like preprocessing validation), this (like your code) will do horrendously wrong things the moment two lines are accidentally in the wrong order.

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