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toolStripMenuItem won't uncheck

I have this code:

bool on = true;
if (on == false)
    on = true;
    silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
if (on == true)
    on = false;
    silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;

The first time you click it (by default it's unchecked) it will check itself. However, every time after that you check it it will not uncheck.

You forgot to write else part. Instead you wrote two if statements. So it was evaluating both and only second one was evaluated as the first always set on = true .

Oh BTW, how about

bool on = true;
if (on == false)
    on = true;
    silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
    on = false;
    silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;

Even more simple

bool on = true;
silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = on;
on = !on;

Because you are setting the local variable on to true everytime it is never going to enter the if (on == false)

I think you want to make sure the on is declatred ouside of the logic, and add the else stament so it does not change back.

private bool on = true:

private void MyMethod()
    if (on == false)
        on = true;
        silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
    else if (on == true)
       on = false;
       silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;

or simply

private void MyMethod()
    silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = !silenceToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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