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How to get records from one JSP file to another JSP file?

I have two pages say one.jsp and two.jsp. tell how can transfer the whole details record from one page to other page.

one.jsp has fallow name as age records

       name             age 
     |  abc    |      |   8  |

     |  xyz    |      |  7   |

now i want to get these details in two.jsp, please tell me how can I do that.

You have two ways to do that.

Setting attribute to session or setting attribute to request

Object attribute = session.getAttribute("SomeKey");


    Object attribute2 = req.getAttribute("SomeKey");

Do not forget to casting to your required object.

In jsp1 use this code..


In jsp2 use this code..

String use1name = session.getAttribute("user1.name");
int user1age = Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute("user1.age"));
String use2name = session.getAttribute("user2.name");
int user2age = Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute("user2.age"));

You can also use request or application instead of session according to your use

Create another(third) column with hyperlink tag. Create a link that will look like as

<a href="secondJspPage.jsp?name=abc&age=8">link</a>

Similar link will be created for each record on first JSP page.

When you click on that link you can get value in next JSP as:

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