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SEO friendly url explanation?

I've did some research in how to rewrite my url with htaccess for an SEO friendly url, but I have a questions:

When i rewrite from index.php?news=1 to /news/1 would my $_GET['news'] still work? I can't seem to find an explanation on that. I want to be sure before I'll start implementing it into my website.


Yes, that will work as expected.

Specifically, mod_rewrite 's behavior with regards to existing query strings can be surprising. As an example, let's take the following rule, which converts the URL you supplied:

 index.php?news=1 to /news/1

page name will be accessible through $_GET['news'] .

When i rewrite from index.php?news=1 to /news/1 would my $_GET['news'] still work?

Yes . $_GET['news'] is set because you have hardcoded news=1 into the rewritten query string.

If you have additional query parameters, it depends . If you've used the QSA (query string append) flag then yes , otherwise $_GET['param'] would not be set in the URL:


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