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Tcl/Tk creating buttons/widgets in a newly created window

I want to create a new window when a particular button is pressed and the newly created window should contain labels/entries/buttons. My code goes something like this..

. configure  -width  400 -height 400 
label .header -text "Bitfields"
place .header -x 5 -y 0
toplevel .window -width 100 -height 120

Now I want to create a button/label on the newly created window . How am I supposed to do that? Google mostly provides examples for tkinter which I think is linked to python which I am not using. As a sub question how can I make this window appear when a button is clicked from the parent window?

To create a button/label on the newly created window (called .window ):

button .window.button1 -text "ok"

To make a window appear when a button is clicked from the parent window:

proc showWindow {w} {
    catch {destroy $w}
    toplevel $w
    button $w.button1 -text "ClickMe"
    pack $w.button1
. configure  -width  400 -height 400 
button .header -text "Bitfields" -command "showWindow .window"
place .header -x 5 -y 0

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