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How to call a controller inside another controller in laravel

How can call a controller's method inside another controller method?
I donno this question does make any sense but assume I have a sidebar, which contains a bunch of database data, user info and etc... .
In normally in any controller which needs the sidebar layout, I should call all models and get needed data to pass them to view as sidebar information.
in php OOP, it's simple to call another class method to do this. for example

$sidebar = $class->make_sidebar();

How can I do something like this in Laravel?
This $class->make_sidebar() method should be a model?

Sorry I am new to MVC and have a bit problem about MVC Concepts may be.
Thank you.

use View::composer()

View::composer('sidebar', function($view)
    $view->with('count', User::count());

then whenever you call the sidebar, the data will be automatically populated.

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