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JSON split using preg_split in PHP

I have different servers

$strarrServerIp = array('','');
$strarrLogsData = array();
foreach($strarrServerIp as $strServerIp ){
       $strCommand = 'ssh abose@' . $strServerIp . ' cat /srv/www/vhosts/trunk/Logs/Log20130825.psi.log';
        $strarrLogsData[] = shell_exec( $strCommand );

foreach( $strarrLogsData as $strJsonLogData ){
           foreach( preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $strJsonLogData ) as $strJsonLineLog ) {

The servers contain files containing JSON logs in this form.

 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:35:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"1"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:36:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"15"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:37:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"32"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:38:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"25"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:39:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"5"}

I want to separate them into an array

array (
    [0] => {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:35:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"1"}
    [1] => {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:36:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"15"}
    [2] => {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:37:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"32"}
    [3] => {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:38:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"25"}
    [4] => {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:39:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"5"}

Any suggestions? I want something better than

 preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $strJsonLogData )

Try this, you can also use file() function to get each line separated in an array.

$text = '
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:35:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"1"} {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:36:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"15"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:37:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"32"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:38:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"25"}
 {"timestamp":"2013-08-25 20:39:06 MDT","severity":"INFO","data":"5"}';

$array =  preg_split("#}.*?{#s", $text );

$array = array_map("trim", $array);

//using preg_match_all

preg_match_all("#({.*?})#s", $text, $matches);


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