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How to map a route for specific action in C# ASP.NET MVC3?

I need your help, I have no experience how route works.

Now, I have the following urls:


The question, how to route to another url for http://website.com/controller1/action1 without affecting the url to http://website.com/controller1/action2


When access http://website.com/controller1/action1 , I want to show url: http://website.com/shortcut , but for http://website.com/controller1/action2 to show same as http://website.com/controller1/action2 .

It is possible ?

You can add route like to routeCollection in file Global.aspx add to method RegisterRoutes

    name: "shortcut",
    url: "shortcut",
    defaults: new { controller = "controller1", action = "action1" }

The default route in a new ASP.NET MVC 3 application will handle your first two requests, but you may be confused about the naming convention. For example, if you have a controller class named HomeController and an action named action1 inside it, the default handling of that route would be /Home/action1 .

To handle /controller1/action1 and /controller1/action2 , you would need to literally name your controller class controller1Controller and add two actions eg

public class controller1Controller : Controller
    public ActionResult action1()
        return View();
    public ActionResult action2()
        return View();

To handle your /shortcut route, you can use what Satpal suggested as long as it's defined above the default route. The more specific the route, the earlier in your route definitions it needs to appear eg

    name: "nameOfShortcutRoute",
    url: "shortcut",
    defaults: new { controller = "controller1", action = "action1" }

    "Default", // Route name
    "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

Check out this link for a good Routing tutorial http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/older-versions/controllers-and-routing/asp-net-mvc-routing-overview-cs

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