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How to share cookies across ports/domains with Express

I have two node.js (express) apps running on two different ports. One is running on localhost:3000 and the other is running at localhost:4000 . The app on port 3000 has the following cookie configuration:


    key: settings.session.key,
    secret: settings.session.secret,
    cookie: settings.session.cookie,
    fingerprint: function () { return '' },
    store: new MemoryStore()

And the other app (on port 4000 ) has:


    key: settings.session.key,
    secret: settings.session.secret,
    cookie: settings.session.cookie,
    fingerprint: function() { return ''  },
    store: new MongoSessionStore({ db: db })

They are both using the same session configuration object (only difference is one is being stored in MongoDB while the other is in-memory.

I set a cookie like so on localhost:3000 :

res.cookie('mycookie', 'bar', { domain: 'localhost:4000' })

And I then POST (with jquery.ajax) to a route on localhost:4000 , and the cookie mycookie is not present.

Note: I have CORS setup on localhost:4000 to accept the origin localhost:3000 , and when I post with Jquery I use xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } .

So my question is, how to configure the apps correctly to set cookies to one another? :)

I suggest that you share your session store between both apps.

Edit: Just to clarify you can't set cookies from one domain to another. So domainA can't set a cookie for domainB - you must get domainB to set the cookie (eg. by visiting domainB ). Using your current config you should be able to read the cookies as expected.

Originally, I thought you wanted to share state between two apps via cookies which is why I suggested sharing the session store between the apps.

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