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C++ Static function variable

In one of my methods, a function with two parameters is passed, and saved as rightClick. However, because its in a static function, the compiler wants the function to be initialised before. How can i go about this?


void Mouse::clicked(int button, int state, int x, int y)
    if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) {
        if(state == GLUT_DOWN) {
            isDragging = true;
            CurrentX = x;
            CurrentY = y;
            isDragging = false;
    else if (button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON)
        if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
            isDragging = true;


void Mouse::setRightClickFunction(void (*func)(int, int))
    rightClick = func;

The setRightClickFunction is called before click ever is. Except now i'm getting a different problem : "Mouse::rightClick", referenced from: Mouse::clicked(int, int, int, int) in Mouse.o

Based on your comments, you're getting a linker error about "undefined reference to Mouse::rightClick . This has nothing to do with function pointers. It's just that whenever you declare a static data member in a class, it's only a declaration. You have to define it somewhere (= in exactly one .cpp file).

Assuming your class Mouse looks something like this:

class Mouse
  static void (*rightClick)(int, int);

You should put this line somewhere into Mouse.cpp :

void (*Mouse::rightClick)(int, int) = 0;

That will serve as the definition of the static data member rightClick .

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