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WPF: Integer CLR property not recognized or is not accessible from XAML

I have a custom control in WPF. I added two plain CLR property, that look like this:

private int _ChordFrom = 0;
public int ChordFrom
    get { return _ChordFrom; }
    set { _ChordFrom = value; }

private int _ChordTo = 0;
public int ChordTo
    get { return _ChordTo; }
    set { _ChordTo = value; }

I use plain CLR properties, because I don't want to bind these properties to any other dependency. I just want to set the values inside XAML, when the control is instantiated.

Inside XAML the properties are found by intellisense, but when building the project I get the error:

"The member "ChordFrom" is not recognized or is not accessible." "The member "ChordTo" is not recognized or is not accessible."

The XAML code looks like this:

<TabItem Header="CHORDS I">
    <Grid x:Name="_gridChords_1" Background="AliceBlue">
        <mg:MidiChordGrid x:Name="gridMidiChordGrid_1" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"  ChordFrom="0" ChordTo="7"/>

There are three things, I wonder about:

  • Why does Intellisense offers me the the properties inside XAML, if they are not accessible?

  • If I close all XAML windows, rebuild the project, the errors disappear.

  • Even if can build the project without any errors, the properties are not set.


Thanks for all the answers, but the solution/error was inside my code. I forgot to update my grid after setting these two CLR properties. Sorry for this.

But here some facts you may want to know:

  • You can use and set plain CLR properties inside WPF XAML. I checked it out and the properties are set from XAML
  • The error "not recognized or is not accessible" seems to be a VS bug, because the project is buildable
  • If you close the XAML files inside VS there will be no build errors anymore

To me, using plain CLR properties is the best solution at this point, because the values I pass to the control are hardcoded for every instance of the control and they do not change at runtime. Of course I would want to use attached DPs, if the values changed at runtime, which they don't.

Thank for your quick answers, but it in the end it was a my fault.

I am just confirming that this appears to be a visual studio bug as mentioned in the question. I added a couple properties to a control and spent an hour trying to figure out why it would not build. After reading the above post I simply closed the xaml file, clicked build and it built successfully. Using VS 2013 community sp 4.

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