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How to generate a JSP file for a wsdl

I have a wsdl file, that i am writing a web client for

however, sometimes i just need to test if the given method works

I want to invoke this method with minimal user interface and see if the result i get is the desired result.

I want to replace the "Hi perhaps there will be a form here to invoke this wsdl" 在此处输入图片说明

with an actual form that will allow me to do this

I know how to replace the page itself - the question is WITH WHAT is there a way to autogenerate these forms, from the given wsdl file ?

The method I prefer to test wsdl is to use eclipse:

  1. Switch to Java EE perspective
  2. Select Run -> Launch the Web Services Explorer 在此处输入图片说明
  3. Select WSDL explorer from top right buttons (A) and select WSDL Main from navigator (B) 在此处输入图片说明
  4. Enter WSDL URL (eg: http://mycompany/somecoolservice?wsdl ) and hit Go.
  5. WSDL explorer will display available operations. If you select one of them it will build a form for you to test

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