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How can I fix this program dealing with pairs of Booleans in Haskell?

For part of a homework assignment in a beginner Haskell course, I'm trying to write a program that will take a list of pairs of Bools, and returns a list of Bools coming from the pairs of bools with an "&&" between them. For example...

andandbool [(True,True),(True,False),(False,True),(False,False)] 

would return:

[True, False, False, False]

I keep running into trouble, however. My code looks like this.

andandbool :: [(Bool,Bool)] -> [Bool]
andandbool [a] = [fst x && snd x | x <- [a]]

It works fine when I provide a list of only one pair, but reports "Non-exhaustive patterns in function andandbool" when I enter a list of multiple pairs. Is there some sort of list comprehension that I'm missing? Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Now that I'm at my computer I'll turn my comment into an answer.

When you name the argument of the function [a] , Haskell interprets that as your function pattern matching on a list of one element. That's why your function only worked on one-element lists. To fix it, just rename the function argument to something without brackets in the name:

andandbool :: [(Bool,Bool)] -> [Bool]
andandbool as = [fst x && snd x | x <- as]

That as argument will now match any list.

Edit: Like @Ankur mentioned, you can simplify this as:

andandbool as = [x && y | (x, y) <- as]

If you really want to play code golf you can simplify this even more as:

andandbool = map (uncurry (&&))

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