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javascript regex to allow at least one special character and one numeric

Im beginer about regex...I need to create a regular expression to check if a string has got at least one special character and one numeric. Im using ([0-9]+[!@#$%\\^&*(){}[\\]<>?/|\\-.:;_-]+|[!@#$%\\^&*(){}[\\]<>?/|\\-.:;_-]+[0-9]+) , but is not working. Help please.

One simple way to check is to do 2 tests on the input string for the existence of each type of character:

/[0-9]/.test(inputString) && /[special_characters]/.test(inputString)

The code will do as you described: check if there is at least 1 digit, and at least 1 special character in the inputString . There is no limit on the rest of the inputString , though.

Fill in special_characters with your list of special characters. In your case, it would be:

/[0-9]/.test(inputString) && /[!@#$%^&*(){}[\]<>?/|.:;_-]/.test(inputString)

I removed a few redundant escapes in your pattern for special character. ( ^ doesn't need escaping, and - is already there at the end).

This make the code readable and less maintenance headache, compared to trying to write a single regex that do the same work.



If, by special characters , you mean all ASCII printable symbols and punctuation that can be matched with [!-\\/:-@[-`{-~] pattern (see Check for special characters in string , you may find more special character patterns there), you may use


Or, taking into account the contrast principle :


See the regex demo (I added .* at the end and \\n to the negated character classes in the demo because the regex is tested against a single multiline string there, you do not need them in the regex testing method in the code).


  • ^ - start of string
  • (?=.*?\\d) - there must be at least one digit after any 0 or more characters other than line break chars, as few as possible
  • (?=\\D*\\d) - there must be at least one digit after any 0 or more characters other than a digit
  • (?=.*?[!-\\/:-@[- {-~])` - there must be at least one printable ASCII punctuation/symbol after any 0 or more characters other than line break chars, as few as possible
  • (?=[^!-\\/:-@[- {-~]*[!-/:-@[- {-~]) - there must be at least one printable ASCII punctuation/symbol after any 0 or more characters other than a printable ASCII punctuation/symbol.

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