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std::vector memory allocation issue

I have a problem when trying to delete a vector of pointers:

std::vector<float*> *v;

v = new std::vector<float*>;
v->assign(2, new float[2]);

for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    delete[] v->at(i);
delete v;

I'm deleting each element from the whole vector, but I still get an assert. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you in advance.

This doesn't do what you think it does:

v->assign(2, new float[2]);

One array of size 2 is allocated, then two pointers to it are stored in the vector . When you delete , the same pointer is deleted twice.

If you want a multidimensional array, you could try std::vector< std::array< float, 2 > > . Doing new and delete yourself are a code smell. (The same goes for new vector … ; that is probably not what you really want.)

THe v->assign(2, new float[2]) does the same as :

float *f = new float[2];
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

of course, that's MOST likely not what you want - you probably want:

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
   float *f = new float[2];

And using new on vector is just plain wrong - just use a plain vector. Inside it, put a vector<float> - or, if you just want two elements every time, use something like:

struct f2 { float a; float b; };
vector<struct f2> v;

In general, having raw owning pointers is not a good idea (unless in special cases, like when you are defining some custom high-performance highly-specialized data structure).

In your code - unless you are in special cases - there should be no explicit calls to new and delete , in modern C++11/14.

Your code sample style seems more like Java and other garbage-collection-based reference-semantics-based languages style. Instead, C++ tends to prefer value semantics (eg prefer: MyClass x; to MyClass * px = new MyClass(); , and if you really need some owning pointer, use smart pointers like std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr ):

// Your original code:
//   std::vector<float*> *v;
//   v = new std::vector<float*>;
// Not good, since:
// 1. You have a std::vector of owning pointers
//    (std::vector<float *>)
// 2. You have a raw owning pointer for the containing std::vector itself
//    (v = new std::vector<....>)

A more modern and correct way of writing your code can be using a vector of vector s (instead of a vector of raw owning pointers float* ):

// Vector of vectors (i.e. 2D matrix), allocated on the stack
// Note: no raw owning pointers here.
vector<vector<float>> v;

Then you can use use std::vector::push_back() or some other std::vector methods to populate the vector.

As a more high-performance and less-overhead alternative for a 2D matrix, you could use a single 1D std::vector , and linearize the content of the 2D matrix in a single 1D contiguous vector, of size Rows * Columns , eg:

vector<float> matrix;
matrix.resize( Rows * Columns );

And to access element at position (rowIndex, columnIndex) , you can use a formula like this (if you store matrix elements row-wise, ie row#1 , row#2 , ..., row#N ):

indexInVector = columnIndex + rowIndex * Columns;

All this can be nicely wrapped in a class template template <typename T> class Matrix {...}; , with proper methods to read and write matrix elements, and the containing std::vector<T> as data member.

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