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Flash to PHP : Vars don't pass in SWF file

I'm doing an Actionscript 3 script (with Flash 13) that takes a user's email and then sends it to a PHP file on my website, and the PHP file formats an email wich it sends to the user's address. Nothing too complicated, and when I test it in Flash it works just fine. But as soon as I export the movie, it doesn't seem to be able to "contact" the PHP file anymore. The PHP file has an error handling condition, and since I receive no email at all, I know the problem is with Flash.

I tried hosting the Flash file, embedded in a web page, on the same server as the PHP file, with no results.

Here's my AS code :

myEmail = result.text;

var myData:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.mywebsite.com/sendmail.php");
myData.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;

var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.email = myEmail;
myData.data = variables;

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataOnLoad);  // the dataOnLoad functions only does a trace

And my PHP :

if (!empty($_GET)) {
    $to = $_GET['email'];
    $message = "Hurray !!!";
    mail($to, 'Here is your coupon !', $coupon);
} else {
    mail('me@mysite.com', 'Error', 'Your GET info is faulty my friend');

Is there some restriction to these functions I should be aware of ? Or an option to check when exporting the movie ?

Thank you all for your help !

Below is a script which will load your variables into an array. I use this to pass vars from php to AS3 flash swf file using:"$returnString = http_build_query ($returnVars);".


    var myarray;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.mywebsite/thescript.php");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
    loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
        //you set up your listeners and add:

   function completeHandler(evt:Event)

   var intiCount = 0;
   for each (var obj:Object in evt.target.data)
    myarray.push(obj);// each item will be pushed into array
            trace(myarray[i]) ;  // i= will loop each item i= 0,1,2
                               // output:  whatever1, what ever2 ,what ever 3.



    $returnVars['item1'] = "whatever1";
    $returnVars['item2'] = "whatever2";
    $returnVars['item3'] = "whatever3";
    $returnString = http_build_query($returnVars);
    echo $returnString;
    //the items are now in key pairs in flash.

尝试将单引号发送到php ...我遇到了同样的问题,并且在调用文件时必须尝试过大约100个不同的版本...如此才能使其正常工作... try >>'../ yourphp.php”

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