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fail to locate a button on website using Selenium IDE

JI just started to use Selenium to test a website. However, there a button on the website I cannot locate using both link and xpath. The URL is http://hra.case.edu/info . If you type like John in the first name input box, the website will render a table that shows the possible user you are. And I need to click the first button "This is me".

Here is my test case source code for Selenium

    <td>link=Get Started</td>

    <td>name={&quot;$&quot;:{&quot;memLimit&quot;:2000,<br />&quot;autoFlush&quot;:true,<br />&quot;crossDomain&quot;:false,<br />&quot;includeProtos&quot;:false,<br />&quot;includeFunctions&quot;:false,<br />&quot;currentDomain&quot;:&quot;case.edu&quot;}}</td>

It fails at the last step said [error] Element Xpath//*[@id'select_user']/tr[1]/td[1]/a not found

Anyone know how to locate that button? Thanks! ps I can use firebug console to locate that button

>>> $x(".//*[@id='select_user']/tr[1]/td[1]/a")
[a.btn /midlife/149]

That you just need to wait like that

command - waitForElementPresent

target - Xpath//*[@id'select_user']/tr[1]/td[1]/a



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