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AES broken between Node.js and Actionscript (as3crypto)

I'm trying to make AES-256 encryption work across node.js and actionscript, but every approach I'm trying is leading to a deadend. Below are two different attempts which both fail (for different reasons).

One important thing to note is that in both cases- the IV, Key, and Ciphertext are matching perfectly.

Excuse the code repetition but I figured it's better to just show exactly what I'm working with...

1) Default Padding

When using the default Node.JS padding and PKCS5 in as3, I get an Error: PKCS#5:unpad: Invalid padding value. expected [105], found [30].


var CIPHER_METHOD = "aes-256-cbc";

function aesEncryptStringToHex(input, key, iv) {
    var aesCipher = crypto.createCipher(CIPHER_METHOD, key, iv);
    var plainText = new Buffer(input, 'utf8').toString('hex');  
    var output;

    output = aesCipher.update(input, 'utf8', 'hex') + aesCipher.final('hex');

    console.log('IV: ' + iv.toString('hex'));
    console.log('Key: ' + key.toString('hex'));
    console.log('Plaintext: ' + plainText);
    console.log('Ciphertext: ' + output);
    sendToFlash(iv.toString('hex') + output);


private function aesDecryptToBytes(cipherBA:ByteArray, key:ByteArray):ByteArray {
    var IV:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var finalBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var retBytes:ByteArray;
    var aesKey:AESKey;
    var cbcMode:CBCMode;
    var pad:PKCS5;
    var testOnly:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    testOnly.writeUTFBytes('Hello World');

    if(key.length != 32) {
        throw new Error("INVALID KEY!");

    if(cipherBA.length < 17) {
        throw new Error("INVALID CONTENT!");
    cipherBA.readBytes(finalBytes, 0);

    IV.position = finalBytes.position = 0;

    trace('IV:', Hex.fromArray(IV));
    trace('Key:', Hex.fromArray(key));
    trace('Ciphertext:', Hex.fromArray(finalBytes));
    trace('Decrypted Plaintext Should Be:', Hex.fromArray(testOnly));

    pad = new PKCS5();
    aesKey = new AESKey(key);
    cbcMode = new CBCMode(aesKey,pad);
    cbcMode.IV = IV;


    retBytes = finalBytes;

    retBytes.position = 0;

    trace('But instead it is:', Hex.fromArray(retBytes));


When using "HELLO WORLD!" for the input and the same key for both, I get

Output on Node.JS side

IV: 87134386f7bf12dffc9b87b49da86d10

Key: 56036ce4ddab006af7b0924ddad511adbea3fba97f672db4040102a1978e41f7

Plaintext: 48454c4c4f20574f524c4421

Ciphertext: d68db4542be683a80bceb0b8ca900d5c

Output on AS3 side

IV: 87134386f7bf12dffc9b87b49da86d10

Key: 56036ce4ddab006af7b0924ddad511adbea3fba97f672db4040102a1978e41f7

Ciphertext: d68db4542be683a80bceb0b8ca900d5c

Decrypted Plaintext Should Be: 48454c4c4f20574f524c4421

Error: PKCS#5:unpad: Invalid padding value. expected [105], found [30]

2) Custom and Null Padding

When disabling the default Node.JS padding and filling with null characters, and then using NullPad on as3, I get no errors but the decryption fails


var CIPHER_METHOD = "aes-256-cbc";
var AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16;
var AES_PAD_STARTER = Array(16).join('\0');

function aesEncryptStringToHex(input, key, iv) {
    var aesCipher = crypto.createCipher(CIPHER_METHOD, key, iv);
    var plainText = new Buffer(input, 'utf8').toString('hex');
    var padLength = AES_BLOCK_SIZE - (input.length % AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
    var output;

    input += AES_PAD_STARTER.substr(0, padLength);

    output = aesCipher.update(input, 'utf8', 'hex') + aesCipher.final('hex');

    console.log('IV: ' + iv.toString('hex'));
    console.log('Key: ' + key.toString('hex'));
    console.log('Plaintext: ' + plainText);
    console.log('Ciphertext: ' + output);
    sendToFlash(iv.toString('hex') + output);


private function aesDecryptToBytes(cipherBA:ByteArray, key:ByteArray):ByteArray {
    var IV:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var finalBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var retBytes:ByteArray;
    var aesKey:AESKey;
    var cbcMode:CBCMode;
    var pad:NullPad;
    var testOnly:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    testOnly.writeUTFBytes("HELLO WORLD!");

    if(key.length != 32) {
        throw new Error("INVALID KEY!");

    if(cipherBA.length < 17) {
        throw new Error("INVALID CONTENT!");
    cipherBA.readBytes(finalBytes, 0);

    IV.position = finalBytes.position = 0;

    trace('IV:', Hex.fromArray(IV));
    trace('Key:', Hex.fromArray(key));
    trace('Ciphertext:', Hex.fromArray(finalBytes));
    trace('Decrypted Plaintext Should Be:', Hex.fromArray(testOnly));

    pad = new NullPad();
    aesKey = new AESKey(key);
    cbcMode = new CBCMode(aesKey,pad);
    cbcMode.IV = IV;


    retBytes = finalBytes;

    retBytes.position = 0;

    trace('But instead it is:', Hex.fromArray(retBytes));


When using "HELLO WORLD!" for the input and the same key for both, I get

Output on Node.JS side

IV: cfa6cfee9f81d81d7e3b651e57b6f42d

Key: 56036ce4ddab006af7b0924ddad511adbea3fba97f672db4040102a1978e41f7

Plaintext: 48454c4c4f20574f524c4421

Ciphertext: 8daf432aad551e333818c42d3190dca5

Output on AS3 side

IV: cfa6cfee9f81d81d7e3b651e57b6f42d

Key: 56036ce4ddab006af7b0924ddad511adbea3fba97f672db4040102a1978e41f7

Ciphertext: 8daf432aad551e333818c42d3190dca5

Decrypted Plaintext Should Be: 48454c4c4f20574f524c4421

But instead it is: 70a4716a7a7d7156bca075efe90041a3

Note that trying retBytes.readUTFBytes(retBytes.length) yields garbage as well.

Any way to make AES encryption work across both platforms?!

EDIT: For the sake of posterity, some node code which works for encrypting and decrypting, with comments to illustrate the potential gotchas:

const CIPHER_METHOD = "aes-256-cbc";
const AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16;

let nullPad = new Buffer(AES_BLOCK_SIZE).fill(0);

function aesEncrypt(input, key, iv) {
    if(iv === undefined) {
      //create a random iv.. this is the norm for encryption
      iv = crypto.randomBytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
    let aesCipher = crypto.createCipheriv(CIPHER_METHOD, key, iv);
    let padLength = AES_BLOCK_SIZE - (input.length % AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

    //don't pad if it's an entire block's worth
    if(padLength === AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
      padLength = 0;

    //we're controlling the padding manually here so we can match it in other environments

    //for now, just a simple null pad. Need to add it before encryption
    //if it were pcks#7 or something, the length would not need to be returned for later use
    if(padLength > 0) {
      input = Buffer.concat([input, nullPad.slice(0, padLength)]);

    //encrypt it
    let cipherText = Buffer.concat([aesCipher.update(input), aesCipher.final()])

    return {
      cipherText: cipherText,
      iv: iv,
      padLength: padLength,

function aesDecrypt(cipherText, key, iv, padLength) {
    if(iv === undefined) {
      //strip the iv off the front
      iv = cipherText.slice(0,AES_BLOCK_SIZE);  
      cipherText = cipherText.slice(AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

    let aesCipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(CIPHER_METHOD, key, iv);

    //turn off padding so we can match it in other environments

    //decrypt it
    let plaintext = Buffer.concat([aesCipher.update(cipherText), aesCipher.final()]);

    //for now, just a simple null padding. Need to strip it after decryption
    //if it were pcks#7 or something, the length would be auto-determined
    plaintext = plaintext.slice(0,plaintext.length - padLength);

    return plaintext;

function testRun(original, key) {
  //cipher is an object containing ciphertext, iv, and padLength
  let cipher = aesEncrypt(original, key);

  //treat the iv separately from the ciphertext. This is nice though hurlant doesn't support that afaik
  let decryptedSeparate = aesDecrypt(cipher.cipherText, key, cipher.iv, cipher.padLength);

  //combine the iv with the ciphertext directly. aesDecrypt will strip it automatically
  let combinedCipherIv = Buffer.concat([cipher.iv, cipher.cipherText]);
  let decryptedCombined = aesDecrypt(combinedCipherIv, key, undefined, cipher.padLength);

  //Show the results!
  console.log("Original: " + original.toString('utf8'));
  console.log("Encrypted: " + cipher.cipherText.toString('utf8'));
  console.log("Padding size: " + cipher.padLength);
  console.log("Plaintext from combined: " + decryptedCombined.toString('utf8'));
  console.log("Plaintext from separate: " + decryptedSeparate.toString('utf8'));

//key should be something more secure than whatever happens to be in memory at the moment ;)
let key = new Buffer(32);

//original is just binary data... doesn't have to be a string, though it's easier to see in the console for testing
//this test is for no padding
let original = new Buffer("0123456789ABCDEF", 'utf8');
testRun(original, key);


//this test is with some padding
original = new Buffer("HELLO WORLD", 'utf8');
testRun(original, key);

好吧,我在node.js和Objective-C之间也有同样的问题,但是在nodeJS代码中,您应该使用crypto.CreateCypheriv ,而不仅仅是createCypher,也许不仅尝试使用key和IV作为缓冲区,而且还要更改两端的密钥和IV到BYNARY有时会很麻烦...我希望这会给您一些解决问题的想法

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