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jQuery Scroll with 100% height body

I am attempting to fire a jQuery function when the window scrolls using the following code:


However, when I set a body height of 100% (needed for formatting on the site), the scroll function does not fire. The body height is set to 100% so that the background image fills the entire browser window.

Is there any way that I can have the scroll function fired when scrolling, or an alternate function or alternate code to have a background image stretch the entire page?

Thank you

Edit (My solution):

This was a bit of a weird question, as it had strict conditions - ie) the body heights, and other coding I've put in whilst playing around.

However I found that I had


set on a parent div just inside the body.

The solution was to remove the overflow and add a


to the div surrounding all the content.

This probably won't apply to anyone else, however I thought I'd post the solution just incase!

Thanks for your help!

Cheers Alex

You could specify background size like this:

    background-image: url('http://images.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/srpr/logo11w.png');

and it will fill the entire browser window

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