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Can't update Android Studio - only download

I have not updated my Android Studio for a while and am presented with this dialog box when trying to update:在此处输入图像描述

Usually there is an "update and restart" option, but not here. The only option is "Download" which directs me here where I can only download the entire bundle again which gives me a link for Build Number - 130.737825. As you can see that's before what I already have so I don't see how that would fix the problem?

I feel like I'm missing something blaringly obvious, but how can I just update like I have been able to before?

That means that the current version can not be automatically updated. You should download the new version manually.

I also had same issue. I updated my Android Studio from 1.3 to 1.5 . Just by

File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Updates

and Update & Restart button was back.

I was on version 0.4.4 trying to update to 0.5.8 . At first I thought I would have to do it manually, but I found a workaround.

First I had to update to the latest version in the dev channel , which I switched to in the IDE setting under file -> settings -> updates . This allowed me to automatically update to 0.5.2 . Android Studio then detected the 0.5.8 build and allowed me to update automatically.

YMMV, and so will your versions when you see this, but maybe try not going from a really old version straight to the recent canary channel build.

I too ran into this problem. I did not want to uninstall and reinstall it again. What I did was to unzip the downloaded file and just copy and replaced the bin, lib, license and plugins folder into my original install path and it worked.

I am on Windows.

well ,you can go ahead and download the patch and unzip it . In its bin directory run studio64.exe file it will ask to import configuration from older version just click that option and get your newer version running

Try this :

Go to Help > Check for Update

and this worked for me - 1.0 to 1.1 .

Check these steps.

  1. First you can download latest zip file from the website.
  2. Then unzip it Next remove the files inside the Android studio folder.
  3. It will contain files same as the file in zip file.
  4. Copy the files inside unzip folder and paste it to inside the Android studio folder

If anybody uses Ubuntu and has the same problem....
For me, AS always crashed after the download of a patch was complete. Then I wanted to figure out what's going on by launching AS from the console to see the output (I have AS as icon in Dash menu and usually launch it from there). After launching AS from console I clicked the update popup again, it downloaded but suddenly, it did not crash anymore. Suddenly it asked me if I want to exit a running background process, I clicked "exit", AS installed the patch and rebooted (what is usually not working either).

Here is how you update when you are not presented with a Update and Restart button, but instead only have a Download button. The solution involves a side-by-side installation, which is an acceptable and supported configuration 1

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Extract the zip file in the same location folder your previous installation (adjacent to, not overlaying) 解压缩新版本的目录位置 Note here that I already had two versions of Android Studio running. The executables under the Android Studio folder, and another set of code under the android-studio-beta folder. The android-studio-dev is the folder created from the downloaded zip file.
  3. Start ../bin/studio64.exe inside the the unzipped folder and select the appropriate place to pull your configuration from. 选择配置位置提示 Note that if you are unsure of which configuration is connected to which install, you may examine the .home file: 主文件与安装目录对齐 Note here that the AndroidStudioPreview2.2 configuration set is aligned with the installation located at android-studio-beta , and not with the installation located at Android Studio (the two options shown in step 2). Wait for the installation to complete, then exit.
  4. Change your start icon from the previous location to the new location, and restart from the icon. 更新Windows启动图标
  5. Reassert your updates channel before accepting any update prompts. As you use your various installations, make sure that your preferred updates channel hasn't changed. I can't be sure, but it seems like this setting might leak across during installs. Better safe than sorry. The image is of my old install, which I did not want to affect by this upgrade. 原始安装留在稳定的通道

At some point, probably once you're satisfied that the new installation will work you you, you may remove the previous installation.

1 Here is an official page to show that it's ok to have side-by-side installs: Android site multiple installation page

点击稍后提醒我,然后从正在运行的Android Studio运行更新过程(帮助菜单,据我记得)。

I found a solution without reinstalling the AS!

As the sollution in https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=56068 goes, We can manually download the patch.

But for examble, if I put the number of current version and newest version in the URL http://dl.google.com/android/studio/patches/AI-(current_version)-(newest_version)-patch-unix.jar , I got a 404 error, which means there is not a patch between my version and the current version.

At last, I found the solution. For example, the version of my Android Studio is 141.2135290, then I find the version closest to my version (just now is 141.2178183) instead of the newest version "141.2288178", and I got the patch!

But unfortunately, I have modified the file in the folder of Android Studio, so the patch didn't work well, otherwise it will work well.

The chosen answer is somewhat wrong. I know It's a little confusing an therefore I'm posting my solution.

Sometimes Android Studio reminds about a new available version for the stable channel but the way to update automatically (as stated in the release info page) is to switch the Channel in your preference:

File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Updates

and change the setting "Automatically check updates for" to Beta Channel.

Then, perform a Check for updates (or restart your ide) to be prompted with the option to install automatically.

BTW you cannot install upgrades that are totally incompatible with the previous version, but as I'm aware of, the compatibility list is also available on the update page per version release. IE: You can upgrade from 1.4/1.5 to 1.5.1, but not from 1.3.

I hope this will help someone.

8 years late but I hope this helps.

Although this is an old question the behaviour still exists in latest Android studio (Nov 20220) so an update here:

  • A trigger for this seems to be if you have not upgraded in a while and Android has to update from a version which is several versions older than the latest. This makes sense as it might have to otherwise sequentially upgrade through each past version to ensure a safe upgrade.
  • Downloading and then installing he new version worked fine for me (Dolphin on a MAC, old version was Artic Fox patch 4).
  • During the upgrade the OS asks if you want to replace the old version - I clicked yes.
  • The new version installed and automatically imported all my previous versions projects and settings (as far as I can see so far).

It would obviously be nicer if the instructions in Studio could be updated to include notes on this in the update panel as it's clearly still confusing.

It would probably be a good idea to back up your machine before doing to upgrade, just to be safe.

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