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How do I change the IntelliJ IDEA default JDK?

I use IntelliJ IDEA as my development environment, and Maven for dependency management. I frequently build my project structure (directories, poms, etc) outside of IDEA and then import the project into IDEA using Import project from external model . This works great, except that in my poms I specify that the maven-compiler-plugin should use JDK 1.6, and when I import, IDEA informs me that the Language Level Changed and that Language level changes will take effect on project reload , and then prompts to reload the project. This is annoying because I always use the same JDK version.

How do I change the default JDK that IntelliJ IDEA uses, so that I don't have to reload my project every time I import a new project?

This setting is changed in the "Structure for New Projects" dialog. Navigate to "File" -> "New Projects Settings" -> "Structure for New Projects..."


Next, modify the "Project SDK" and "Project Language Level" as appropriate.


Previous versions of IntelliJ IDEA had this setting in "File" -> "Other Settings" -> "Default Project Structure...".

IntelliJ IDEA 12 had this setting in "Template Project Structure..." instead of "Default Project Structure..."

Download and unpack a JDK archive file (.tar.gz) and add it as a SDK in the 'Project Structure' dialog box ( Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S )

jdk 9 智能 click on the gif to enlarge

Make sure to set an appropriate ' Project language level ' as well.

For Java 8 set it to 8, for Java 9 set it to 9, and so on.

  • I am using IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3, and I also have same question. Choose menu File \\ Other Settings \\ Default Project Structure...


  • Choose Project tab, section Project language level , choose level from dropdown list, this setting is default for all new project .


I have found out that in recent versions of IntelliJ IDEA requires Java 1.8 but is not configured by default.

We can change the path or configure from Project Settings > Project > Project SDK

here we can edit or add the JDK´s path.

(in my case the path is located in C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_102 )



Change JDK version to 1.8

  1. Language level File -> project Structure -> Modules -> Sources -> Language level -> 8-Lambdas, type annotations etc. 在此处输入图片说明
  2. Project SDk File -> project Structure -> Project 1.8 在此处输入图片说明

  3. Java compiler File -> Settings -> Build, Executions, Deployment -> Compiler -> Java compiler 在此处输入图片说明

One other place worth checking: Look in the pom.xml for your project, if you are using Maven compiler plugin, at the source/target config and make sure it is the desired version of Java. I found that I had 1.7 in the following; I changed it to 1.8 and then everything compiled correctly in IntelliJ.


The above responses were very useful, but after all settings, the project was running with the wrong version. Finally, I noticed that it can be also configured in the Dependencies window. Idea 2018.1.3 File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Sources and Dependencies.

To change the JDK version of the Intellij-IDE himself:

Start the IDE -> Help -> Find Action

than type:

Switch Boot JDK

or (depend on your version)

Switch IDE boot JDK

对于最新版本的 Intellij,要为新项目设置默认 jdk/sdk,请转到

Configure->Structure for New Projects -> Project Settings -> Project SDK

I am using IntelliJ 2020.3.1 and the File > Other Settings... menu option has disappeared. I went to Settings in the usual way and searched for "jdk". Under Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven > Importing I found the the setting that will solve my specific issue:

JDK for importer.

IntelliJ 2020.3 设置对话框

On my linux machine I use a script like this:

export IDEA_JDK=/opt/jdk14

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