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Create Freemarker Configuration bean in Spring, together with parameter

I am having trouble creating a "freemarker.template.Configuration" bean and setting global shared variables in this instance of the Configuration. Something like:

<bean id="conf" class="freemarker.template.Configuraton">  
    <property name="sharedVariable" >

Is this possible? I can't use FreeMarkerConfigurer instead of Configurer because I am using servlets (full stack of Spring MVC) as controllers in my project. Is there any way to convert a FreemarkerConfigurer into a Configurer?

The problem stems from that shared variables is not a JavaBean property... but, accidentally, Configuration has a setAllSharedVariables(TemplateHashModelEx) method, that's technically a property, so something like this should work (I haven't tried it and my Spring XML is rusty... tell me if there are typos in it):

<bean id="conf" class="freemarker.template.Configuraton">
    <property name="allSharedVariables">
        <bean class="freemarker.template.SimpleHash">
                    <entry key='someVarName' value='someValue' />
                    <entry key='otherVarName' value-ref='valueBeanId' />

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