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Uncaught Error: No define call in require.js

I am a newbie with backbone.js and require.js , I still not clear of how to use require.js . Now I'm trying to use require.js with Jquery Reveal .

This is my main.js :

     enforceDefine: true,
     paths: {
    "jquery": "libs/jquery/jquery-min",
    "underscore": "libs/underscore/underscore-min",
    "backbone": "libs/backbone/backbone-min",

   shim: {
    "underscore": {
        deps: [],
        exports: "_"
    "backbone": {
        deps: ["jquery", "underscore"],
        exports: "Backbone"
    "jquery.reveal": ["jquery"]
define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone","jquery.reveal"],
  function ($, _, Backbone,Jquery_Reveal) {
    console.log("reveal " + typeof Jquery_Reveal);


app.js :


 ], function($, _, Backbone,Router,Reveal){

    var initialize = function(){

return {
    initialize: initialize


Then I got an error in chrome console : Uncaught Error: No define call for reveal .

This is what I found and it works for me:

"reveal": {
   deps: ["jquery"],
   exports: "jQuery.fn.reveal"

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