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Run Bat File with C having path variable

I need to run a bat file using the userpath variable

system("\"%HOMEPATH%\\AppData\\Roaming\\project\\Local Store\\update.bat\"");

this one doens't work, but the next one does :

system("\"C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Roaming\\project\\Local Store\\update.bat\"");

But I need the first one, to make it work to every user ... Thank you in advance !

(Answer edited)

I think that %HOMEPATH% expands to a directory name with one or more spaces in it. This would explain why it worked for you once you added quotes.

Originally I thought that you needed to expand the variable yourself before calling system() but that was a mistake. The system() command is supposed to handle a string as if you had typed it at the command line, and that includes expanding variables.

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