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Using loadUrl to get all select options in a drop down box

I'm trying to store all values from a drop down box into variables within my android application. I'm trying to get all options from the below into strings in my app;

<select name="cardId" id="select_card_no" onfocus="null" onchange="null">
<option value="">Choose card number</option>
<option value="010607655930" >010607655930</option>
<option value="050538806749" >050538806749</option>
<option value="054100790989" >054100790989</option>

I've been using code like this to intially log through parts of the site;

public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
                if(url == "https://oyster.tfl.gov.uk/oyster/entry.do"){             
                    String ausername = "abcde";
                    String apassword = "12345";
                    view.loadUrl("javascript:document.getElementsByName('j_username')[0].value = '"+ausername+"'");
                    view.loadUrl("javascript:document.getElementsByName('j_password')[0].value = '"+apassword+"'");

But was wondering how you could possibly get text back from the current Webview state, can you somehow convert loadUrl into a string;

String ddl = view.loadUrl("javascript:document.getElementById('select_card_no')");

Possible duplicate question. You may want to check out the answer to this one:

android - get Text out of webview

Also, there might be an overall better solution than using this webview approach you're trying. That url does have a developer api: android - get Text out of webview

You may want to try and see if you can get waht you need out of that.

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