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libGDX: How to easily change animation speed?

I'm using an AnimationController for one of my animations, but I need to vary the speed of this animation very often. I'm looking for any resource-friendly way to do so, perfect would be something like AnimationController.setSpeed(float speed) , but sadly that doesn't exist. So, is there any better way than calling AinmationController.animate(...) every time, when I only want to change the speed and all other properties should stay the same?

To change the overall speed, simply adjust the delta of the update method accordingly:

animationController.update(speed * Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime());

To change the speed of a single animation (only useful when blending animations), use the AnimationDesc instance the #animate() method returns.

AnimationDesc ad = animationController.animate(...);
ad.speed = 0.5f;

You can change the AnimationDesc during the animation.

Finally you can also access the current AnimationDesc of the AnimationController, although I wouldn't recommend that:

animationController.current.speed = 0.5f;

tl;dr: The best method is to use the AnimationController#update(delta) method to change the speed.

See also: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/3D-animations-and-skinning

I'd try extending AnimationController to write the setSpeed method. Hopefully, animation speed will be stored in a variable that you could just update.

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