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mysql database and multiple users

I'm working on a web site that will have multiple users. Say 5 users total.What I need to make sure is, that each user will only be able to access the data they input.

Think of a CRM or Job Board. So john will only be able to access johns info, edit, add, etc. Same with jane and june.

Now if my reading is correct, all i need to do is make sure the queries pull only the data based off their unique id correct?

so the database table for the users looks like:

Database: xxxxx, Table: xh_user

so if johns user_id is 7, when he logs in, it queries his id and displays only his content from the database.

Am i correct on this?, or is there a different or better way to accomplish this?

As long as your foreign keys are setup correctly so that the data is linked to the user_id (PK) then it should be fine. Alternatively you can setup a user_roles table which contains access rights.

As far as I know and how I have been programming, yes. If you are looking for extra security, perhaps check the user's password/salt against what is in the database.

li need to do is make sure the queries pull only the data based off their unique id

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but it is too a general/broad statement to be either bad or good. It really depends on the system you're building. This is by no means a generally applicable statement.

Now in your current set-up this looks somewhat correct, but in the long-ish term you might need some data be public, or at least accessible by several people. This is impossible in your current design.

I would split the access and content, as they are separate things. Save what users (or look up a role-based pattern) have access to what data in separate tables, so you can build on what you have later, and add multiple user functionality.

This could become a long discussion, so I'll end with this: The bottomline with all database design is that you should save your information in a way that represents logical units, as it is in the real world (Yes, I'm taking some shortcuts here). So coupling a username to an id seems normal. But making the connection between a job and a user isn't that logical per se. A job can be visible to multiple users, no sweat. Or more then one user could have added the information. You could say that only 1 user is the 'owner' of a job or any other piece of data, but it seems too restrictive to make your access control purely out of who "owns" the data.

But then again, it is only a warning for the future. If you never need this, you don't.

You could have multiple databases, one per user. You'll need to have a way to do schema changes & upgrades though, like phinx. I wouldn't recommend this unless you foresee users having multiple users on their own account.

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