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spring-test and mockito controller test

public void testWelcomePage() throws Exception {
    UserDto dto = new UserDto("admin");
    UserEntity user = new UserEntity("admin");

        .andExpect(model().attribute("user", hasProperty("loginId", is("admin")))); //-->java.lang.AssertionError: Model attribute 'user' .... but: was null...

    verify(userServiceMock, times(1)).getUser(dto); //-->Argument(s) are different! Wanted:

UserDto is object passed by spring mvc form object.

@RequestMapping(value="/welcome", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String welcome(UserDto userDto, ModelMap model, Locale locale) {
    UserEntity user = null;
    try {
        user = userService.getUser(userDto);
    } catch (DataNotFoundException e) {
        model.addAttribute("message", messageSource.getMessage("msg.data.notfound", null, locale));
    model.addAttribute("user", user);
    return "user/welcome";

But, mockito throws assertion error at passed argument(UserDto id different). How can I fix it?

UserDto object needs to override equals() method.

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj);


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