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Alternative PImpl Idiom - advantages vs disadvantages?

The traditional PImpl Idiom is like this:

#include <memory>

struct Blah
    //public interface declarations

    struct Impl;
    std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl;

//in source implementation file:

struct Blah::Impl
    //private data
//public interface definitions

However, for fun, I tried to use composition with private inheritance instead:


#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>

template<typename Derived>
struct PImplMagic
        static_assert(std::is_base_of<PImplMagic, Derived>::value,
                      "Template parameter must be deriving class");
//protected: //has to be public, unfortunately
    struct Impl;

struct Test : private PImplMagic<Test>,
              private std::unique_ptr<PImplMagic<Test>::Impl>
    void f();

[first translation unit]

#include "Test.h"
int main()
    Test t;

[second translation unit]

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

#include "Test.h"

struct PImplMagic<Test>::Impl
        std::cout << "It works!" << std::endl;
    int x = 7;

: std::unique_ptr<Impl>(new Impl)

Test::~Test() // required for `std::unique_ptr`'s dtor

void Test::f()
    std::cout << (*this)->x << std::endl;


I like the way this alternate version works, however I'm curious if it has any major drawbacks over the traditional version?

EDIT: DyP has kindly provided yet another version , which is even 'prettier'.

From what I understand, one of the reasons to use a pimpl idiom is to hide functionality details from the user of your interface. In your composition with private inheritance example, I believe you are exposing your implementation details to the user.

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