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How to access QHeaderView::sectionsInserted slot

I wanted to know how I can gain access to the sectionsInserted slot.I need access to the parameters of that method. Since it is a protected slot I think I would need to inherit from QHeaderView. Now even if I inherit from QheaderView how would I attach that Qheaderview to my tableview ?

您可以分别使用QTableView :: setVerticalHeader()QTableView :: setHorizo​​ntalHeader()设置QTableView的垂直和水平标题。

You should use QAbstractItemModel::columnsInserted or QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted signals instead. They have exactly the same signature. I believe they are connected to the QHeaderView::sectionsInserted slot.

Subclassing QHeaderView will not help you. QHeaderView::columnsInserted is not virtual, so your implementation will not be called by Qt.

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