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android NDK - make standalone toolchain fails

I tried to make a standalone Android NDK toolchain on Linux 64 bit:

~/build/android-ndk-r9/build/tools $ ./make-standalone-toolchain.sh --platform=android-14 --ndk-dir=/home/user/build/android-ndk-r9 --system=linux-x86_64 --install-dir=/home/user/build/android-14-toolchain Auto-config: --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.6 Copying prebuilt binaries...

No files are actually copied. Something goes wrong. The NDK ist the latest release r9. How can I run the script so that the files get copied to the installation directory?

A suggestion: Use the --verbose option if you haven't already done so; it will tell you in which stage the error occurs.

Here are the options I ran to make a standalone toolchain targeting android-14 and arm-linux-androideabi-4.7

    sudo sh make-standalone-toolchain.sh --verbose --toolchain=x86-4.7\
    --install-dir=/project/arm-cc --ndk-dir=/project/android/ndk/android-ndk-r9\

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