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jquery attr(' selected','selected') for option not working in IE

When i change the option in select dropdown,I pass the value selected to that particular option..it works fine in chrome and FF.But it is not working in IE.

I do it by passing $('select option').removeAttr('selected'); $(this).attr("selected", "selected"); $('select option').removeAttr('selected'); $(this).attr("selected", "selected");

I am passing example in jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/harshacharya/JyvUm/

I am trying to do something like this: When an option is selected,it has attribute selected and other option dont. The above function dont work in IE.

Can you please help me.Thanks.

It appears you want to see your change in the DOM inspector. IE will not do that by default (and you should not care as the selected values behind-the-scenes are correct).

However, in IE, you can do this by setting the prop defaultSelected to "selected" . You will then see the visual attribute change in the DOM.

.prop("defaultSelected", "selected");

Note: To remove it from the other elements you need to set the prop to null.

$(this).find('option').prop("defaultSelected", null);

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/JyvUm/8/

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